WCS Diversity Committee
A core belief of the Wilmington City School District is all students will be prepared to live, study and work in a diverse world. To that end, the school district will provide students with opportunities that promote respect for self and others and a curriculum which values the many varieties of human expression.
The district recognizes and values the interconnectedness of humanity and looks to the staff to lead this initiative. Our vision is as follows:
- All people will be treated with equality, dignity, and respect.
- All students will be educated to understand, accept and value all members of the world community.
- The community at large will join with us in support of this mission.
As superintendent of the Wilmington City School District I am firmly committed to ensuring civil rights compliance for students and staff as well as equal opportunity for employment including but not limited to: race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, marital or family status, political beliefs and parental status.
District Diversity Committee
Plans and coordinates culturally relevant events, guests, field trips, and activities with building-level Diversity Teams
Provides guidance and support to building-level Diversity Teams as they develop activities and learning opportunities
Works with District Administration to help anticipate and respond to community and societal changes and issues that affect the educational environment.
- Our Diversity Committee Members come from all walks of life. They are business owners, board members, parents, teachers, pastors, youth workers, physicians, public employees, and concerned community members.
Building-Level Diversity Committee
Coordinates with the District Diversity Committee to implement building and classroom level activities and opportunities.
The District Diversity Committee members provide support and resources around topics of diversity and inclusion.

Highlights from the District and Building-Level Diversity Committees
Diversity Silhouette Project where students brainstorm diverse things about themselves and create a self silhouette. These are then displayed in the hallway and kids can find things they have in common with other students, so the students have something to talk about or share.
Monthly recognition boards in each building highlighting culturally relevant history and holidays
National Reading Month activities featuring books from diverse cultures and authors
WHS recognized and learned about Holocaust Remembrance Day
Special guest speakers invited to speak about and showcase Native Americans to classes during library/music
Community guest readers were invited to the Elementary Schools to share books that highlight their culture and careers.
WMS staff meetings included topics to highlight understanding the difference between Empathy and Kindness, and staff are working on how to help develop empathy skills within their students.
WHS students participated in International Peace Day with Peace Walks and a Peace Crane building activity.
Held a special community event, “I Am Wilmington: A Cultural Celebration”, to recognize and celebrate the many cultures represented in our community and in our schools
Participates in restorative circles around topics such as cultural responsiveness, implicit bias, and how each member supports equity for all.
WHS promoted awareness and empathy for persons with cognitive impairment for International Day of People with Disabilities.
During Black History Month and leading up to Martin Luther King Jr day, each building continues to utilize classroom lessons, school media, announcements, and advisory time to educate our students on pivotal moments and figures in our country’s history, the lasting impact on our society, and the challenges still faced by many today.