Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment at WCS

We are excited that you are interested in applying to open enroll your child(ren) in Wilmington City Schools. Please review the informatin below for details on the process.

Open Enrollment for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade for the upcoming school year will open on May 1st . The deadline is June 12th.

General Information

  • Open enrollment if for non-resident students in Kindergarten through 12th grade who wish to attend WCS.
  • Optimum capacity limits by grade level, school, and program are set by the District.
  • Resident students and previously enrolled students have preference over first-time applicants.
  • There is no requirement of academic ability, or any level of athletic, artistic, or other extracurricular skills.
  • There are no limitations on admitting applicants because of disability, except that the Board may refuse to admit a student receiving services under Chapter 3323 of the Revised Code, if the services described in the student's IEP are not available in the district's schools.
  • There is no requirement that the student be proficient in the English language.
  • Enrollment may be rejected if an applicant has been suspended or expelled by the student's district for ten consecutive days or more in the term for which admission is sought or in the term immediately preceding the term for which admission is sought.
  • Enrollment in a program or school shall be subject to an agreement that transportation of the student from another Ohio district to the school or to a scheduled in-District bus stop is provided for by the student, his/her parents, or the other Ohio district.
  • Additionally, open enrollment applications will be considered in accordance with Board Policy and Ohio Revised Code 3313.98.

Application Process

  • Open Enrollment Applications must be received by WCS Central Registration between May 1st and June 12th.
  • Applications received by June 12th will be acted upon no later than June 30th.
  • Proof of residency is required with your open enrollment application (ie lease, rent receipt, utility bill) Driver’s License is NOT acceptable as proof of residency.
  • Parents must confirm acceptance of transfer within 10 days of the District’s notification of acceptance, by providing past school records of grades, credits, and promotion, or the application may be voided. Falsification of any of the above information may result in the voiding of this application.
  • Open enrollment applications will be considered in accordance with Board Policy and Ohio Revised Code 3313.98.
  • Enrollment shall be subject to an agreement that parents are responsible for transportation to and from school or to a scheduled in-District bus stop.

Open Enrollment Application for 2024-25 (available starting May 1st)

For application consideration by the Superintendent after June 12th, please contact the Enrollment Office at (937)382-7410 or email

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