Bus Route Information
- Routes may change or be adjusted during the year.
- Route numbers are on the placard near the door of the bus and may be different than the bus number (sometimes a bus is being worked on and a driver may use a different bus number to run his route - the route number doesn't change)
Elementary Transportation
Our elementary buildings are organized by grade level or unit, rather than residence, so we have a special transportation system in place for grades K-5. Here is information about our Elementary Transportation System to help you and your children understand the process:
Elementary siblings at the same house will ride the same bus together (unless handicap accessible transportation is needed). The buses will rotate to both elementary buildings in the morning to drop students off at the correct grade level center.
Students in any elementary walk-zone will walk to their neighborhood school and catch a bus for a short ride to their grade level center.
Students who live in the walk zone school they will be attending simply walk to school as usual.
If you have questions, please contact the Transportation Department.