Purchasing and Accounts Payable
Wilmington City Schools is one of 125 public school districts in 18 counties in Southwestern Ohio, who participate in EPC programs with a buying power of over $98 million. The EPC is a Council of Governments and coordinates the purchasing power of its member district to obtain top quality products at the most competitive prices. Through a competitive bidding process, we obtain the kind of low prices that are only offered to major purchasers. Through the EPC, a small district has the same purchasing clout as the largest district in the state.
Members pay an annual membership fee based on enrolled students. The EPC is funded by membership fees, interest earnings on reserves, and some special program fees.
EPC History
The Southwestern Ohio Education Purchasing Council (EPC) was formed in 1968 when 13 school districts in Montgomery and Greene Counties joined together to purchase classroom and office supplies, audio-visual equipment and other common items.
In 1986 a central office was established to provide a permanent, broad-based service to member districts and to commodity committees. In the same year, the EPC Benefits Office was staffed to provide onsite administration of the health and dental insurance plans which started in 1983. In 1998, the EPC became a Council of Governments.