Facilities and Operations Update 2022

We are always working hard to maintain and improve our facilities and services. Our Director of Operations, Curt Bone, recently provided the Board with an update on some of our projects (completed, ongoing, and planned) throughout the District and a few of the current challenges.
The interior of the Middle School was painted over the summer
Epoxy coating flooring was completed in Holmes and Denver. This replaced the deteriorating VCT tiles and cori-tiles. This process has already been completed in the MS and HS and has reduced maintenance cost associated with stripping and waxing the floors.
The HS and MS parking lots were sealed and stripped this summer.
The Front Playground at Holmes was replaced this fall.
With the realignment of offices in the HS, new furniture was installed to allow for two people in the main office.
Technology and Communication
WMS/WHS staff devices were updated and we were able to provide staff chrome book devices to all Elementary staff
1:1 for student devices in grades 2 through 12 as of the 2021-2022 school year
Through eRate funds, we were able to upgrade our WIFI hardware district-wide, including Alumni Field.
We will be looking to replace our current VOiP phone system. The current system is aged and many components are now obsolete.
Our copier contract/lease is set to expire in June so we are in the evaluation process right now.
We disposed of 3 retired school buses and a maintenance truck.
With last year’s budget, we were able to purchase two school buses and a van.
In this year’s budget, we were able to purchase a maintenance truck
Due to the van manufacturers no longer producing 10 passenger vans, the District will be looking at alternative options in the future to replace our current van fleet when needed.
This school year, we have budgeted to purchase two school buses to replace two of our aging buses. As with many products and manufacturing delays, the pricing of buses has increased over 15%. We will be purchasing just one bus through the EPC bus bid.
We have started this year’s bus inspections with good results. We will continue the inspections over the next several months.
We are still struggling with having enough drivers. With only two subs and two open full-time positions, we struggle some days to fill all of the empty seats. We have consolidated and eliminated three routes since the start of school. We have added a van route and hired a new van driver.
Supply Challenges
Food products and paper goods shortages continue. We have been able to secure paper products that we need but we had to do so through alternate suppliers at an increased cost.
Bus supply parts are improving but lead times are still long.
Maintenance supply channels have improved but we are still waiting on some of the manufacturers to fill orders. Some repairs/projects are on hold until the parts get in.
Safety and Security Updates
The District Safety Plans were updated and filed with the Attorney General's Office. Our plans are reviewed with local partners, including the Wilmington Police Department, Wilmington Fire Department, Clinton County EMA, and our mental Health Partner.
Raptor - Visitor Management Software We have been using the Raptor system for a couple of years. The system is used to screen visitors with a scan of their driver’s license. Over the next several months we will be implementing the Emergency Management piece of Raptor. This will manage our required drills, attendance capabilities during an emergency, and aid in the reunification process during an emergency.
Through a safety grant, we were able to complete the installation of security cameras at Denver Elementary. We have received a safety grant to install cameras at Holmes Elementary and will be installing the cameras this summer.
- WCS Administrators, Wilmington Police Dept., and other local first responders met in March to talk safety. Read more about that process in the recent News Journal Article here.