Homecoming 2023!
Join us for Homecoming 2023! From Spirit Week activities and a parade, to our traditional Chili Supper and the big game, it's going to be a great time to show your Hurricane pride!
- Thursday, 10/5/23, at 6:30pm - Homecoming Parade (POSTPONED)
Community Pep Rally at Alumni Field following the parade - Friday, 10/6/23 from 4:00-6:30pm - 67th Annual Chili Supper in the WHS Auditeria
- The Wilmington Band program is proud to host one of the longest-running traditions in Wilmington. We welcome everyone to join us for our traditional Band Chili Supper as WHS celebrates Homecoming 2023.
- Each meal is $7 and includes a Bowl of Chili, Hotdog, Applesauce or Coleslaw, a Dessert, and a Drink
- Tickets available from current WHS Band members, at the door, or online at wilmingtonbands.ludus.com .
- Friday, 10/6/23 at 7:00pm - Homecoming game vs Goshen
- Saturday, 10/7/23 - WHS Homecoming Dance
NOTE: We are also inviting Alumni Band members to play with the Marching Band during halftime! They can register using our online form here.
Go Cane!
10/5/23 UPDATE:
Based on the weather forecast and communication with the national weather service for the Wilmington area, tonight's parade has to be postponed. We WILL still have the Pep Rally at 6:30 in the Middle School Gym. Please come out and join us to kick off our homecoming festivities. And don't forget to come to the chili supper and game on Friday!
We are looking at the possibility of rescheduling the parade for a later date and will keep you posted.
Thank you for your understanding.