Peachjar Digital Flyers

Wilmington City Schools has partnered with Peachjar to provide digital distribution of school and community information directly to parents.
Ensure information actually makes it home!
With Peachjar, parents and guardians will never have to worry if they missed a flyer stuffed in the bottom of their child's backpack. Approved digital flyers* are emailed home as images and posted to each school site's digital flyerboard for easy retrieval.
By eliminating paper flyers sent home with kids in backpacks, we are now able get school and community flyers* directly to parents - giving them the opportunity to decide which activities, organizations, or events they want to share with their kids!
Access flyers anytime, anywhere!
Peachjar flyers can be viewed using a smartphone, tablet, computer, etc. Use flyer action buttons to sign up, learn more, email, or call. Digital flyers can easily be shared with family and friends using a handy "share" icon.
Discover new interests for your child and activities for your family!
Our community has a lot to offer kids and their families - from dance class and athletics, to arts and theatre activities. Parents are now in the driver seat. You will get this information directly and can make decisions about what you would like your child to learn more about.
Visit our Peachjar E-Flyer page (or click the Peachjar icon at the very top of any district web page!) for links to our District and school flyerboards, FAQs, and information for community organizations
**Please note: Community organizations, programs, events, or activities are not presented, endorsed, recommended, supervised, approved, or sponsored by the Wilmington City School District. Community flyer are simply provided as a service to our WCS families.