Volunteer to be a Mentor!

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Volunteer to be a Mentor!

Jul 1, 2024

Wilmington City Schools offers an intervention called Check & Connect that may be used with K-12 students who show warning signs of disengagement with school based on attendance, grades, and discipline referrals.  Students that are at-risk are selected and paired with a mentor.  

Please submit our Check & Connect Mentor Opportunity form if you are interested in becoming a mentor to one of these students. Once we receive your completed form, we'll reach out to you with the next steps.

If you become a mentor there are some requirements that must happen:  

  • Attend a full day training prior to beginning mentoring. We'll have an opportunity for training August 8th (9am-3pm)
  • Three days a month are needed to meet with your student (two times) and attend the monthly mentor training.
  • Obtain a background check prior to starting your mentorship ($55).

We're excited about the impact we are already seeing in our first year of this program.

Check and Connect Opportunity Form

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