WCS District Projects and Services

The Wilmington City School District is hard at work with the support of state and federal grants and funds to enhance our educational services and school environment. The following highlights complement and enhance the overall educational program supported by our community along with additional funding sources such as ESSER, ARP, Student Wellness and Success, Title I, High Schools That Work, Making Middle Grades Work, and School Quality Improvement.
Highlights of Projects and Services
- Learning and Instruction
- 3 Year Plan focused on 3 Building Blocks (WNJ 9/23/21) - Standards-Based Instruction, Literacy, and School Climate
- New Bridges K-5 Math Resource and a Literacy Resources in elementary
- WHS Skills Lab to promote life skills and well-being
- Instructional Coaches (See November 2021 Newsletter for details)
- Data Coach to support teachers using student data and assessments
- Wilmington Success Academy for Credit Recovery
- Wilmington Middle School Plus Period
- Extended Summer School for elementary students to help close the learning gap and prepare students for school.
- Provided the WMS Extra Time/Extra Help quarterly after school sessions.
- School Climate and Culture
- Integrating instruction and curriculum with research based Social- Emotional Learning (ODE) to provide appropriate skill development in our students necessary for success.
- PAX program for elementary students.
- Using Restorative Practices to enhance community and relationship building in our schools. These practices help students and adults productively resolve conflict. Learn more in this 10/26/21 WNJ article - Mending conflict.
- Behavior Coach (See November 2021 Newsletter for details)
- Staff training in Trauma Informed Care, understanding methods for recognizing and addressing the impact of trauma on teaching and learning, so that students can achieve their maximum potential.
- Student Support
- Additional nursing staff
- Additional counseling staff
- Full time School-Based Therapist
- School-Based Prevention Support with Talbert House
- Buildings and Security
- WHS Entrance Updated (WNJ 2/4/20)
- Added Raptor visitor screening at each school
- Updated air handling in each building
- New elementary playground equipment at Holmes Elementary
- Security camera upgrades and additions
- Technology and Communication
- Final Forms adoption for academic forms and family communication
- Chromebooks for staff to enhance access, flexibility and collaboration
- Chromebook device at school for every student in Grades 2-8
- Continued 1:1 Chromebook program at WHS
- WIFI upgrade district wide including Alumni Field
- Updated and enhancements to our WCS Website to improve accessibility