WCS Music Program Recognized for 6th Year!

6 years in a row! Our WCS Music Program has once again been named a "Best Community for Music Education" by the NAMM Foundation. What a well deserved honor for our music educators and students, and the community that supports music education in our schools. Qualities that are reviewed for this honor include funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music program and community music-making programs.
“It has been rather impressive to have observed the commitment and dedication shown by the members of our Music Dept throughout the year. This award demonstrates that they continue to inspire and bring out the many talents of the students they serve. Go Cane!” - Jim Brady, WCS Superintendent
Students attending Wilmington City Schools have access to music education at every grade level. General Music classes are offered K-5. Instrumental Music (Band) and Choir are offered to students starting in the 6th Grade and continuing through high school. From the Marching Band and Wind Ensemble to the Wilmingtontones performance choir, students are offered a variety of learning and performance opportunities.
“We are honored with this recognition from NAMM for the 6th straight year. It is a testament to the many people who make Music an integral part of education in the Wilmington Schools.” - Matt Spradlin, Director of Bands, WHS