WHS Nov. 2022 Students of the Month!

WHS is proud to announce the November 2022 Students of the Month! We hope you'll take a few minutes to see what their teachers have to say about these outstanding students.

Business Department: Sabrina Campos
The Business Department at WHS would like to nominate Sabrina Campos as the student of the month! Sabrina is an exceptional, multi-talented student who demonstrates maturity, attention to detail, creativity, thoroughness, understanding, and proficiency in her work. She shows great understanding and skill in her classes and consistently earns exceptional grades. Her artistic skills are extraordinarily impressive, and she demonstrates great character. Her positive attitude and attentiveness stand out among her peers. Congrats Sabrina! You will certainly be successful as you navigate your future path.

Exceptional Student Education: Eden Hill
Eden is a pleasure to be around. He is a sophomore this year and has many friends. Eden is an incredibly hard worker and will complete any task asked of him. He loves to participate in hall duty and says "Hi!" to everyone he knows. Eden would love for everyone to come hangout at the CCYC.

Health: Olivia Gammell
Olivia has consistently throughout the year been a great role model for other students and she goes above and beyond in the classroom.

Theater: Lindsay Lydy
Lindsay is an extremely hard worker on and off the stage. On stage she puts energy and effort into her characters...acting and reacting with others on stage. In Stagecraft Lindsay is quick to grab a drill and ask, "What is there to do?" Many times she spots something needing attention with the current set build and is able to grab the necessary tools and hardware to complete the job correctly. She strives to make every production a success from constructing the set to acting on the stage.

Social Studies: Colin Wood
Colin is doing an outstanding job in his Honors US History class this year. Colin brings a very positive attitude to his class every day and has done outstanding work. He also adds a great deal to the class with his participation in the class and helps generate good classroom discussion by sharing his own thoughts and questions. Colin helps make his History class a great class to be a part of! Keep up the great work Colin!

World Languages: Briston Plymire
Briston is the Student of the Month for the French department because she has taken our Quarter 2 transition to speaking 100% French in the classroom in stride. She is always willing to volunteer an answer, to try and chat with her friends in French even if she's not sure of a word or phrase, and is always curious about new words in French. Being willing to try goes such a long way in a language classroom, and Briston is a perfect example of this - not only does Briston take chances and try in our French III class, she tries to have fun with the language. It's really difficult to have the same personality in a new language, but Briston is doing an admirable job maintaining the expectations of our classroom (speaking French all the time) without losing her sense of humor.

Science: Skylar Carson
Skylar Carson is the Science Department Student of the Month for October. She always participates and goes the extra mile to excel in labs and written work. In class, she has been enthusiastic and open to working with everyone, asks great questions, and organizes her thoughts in a methodical way. She enjoys the process of learning. A great example for other students and a joy to have in class.

English: Cameron Dukes
Cameron is the November Student of the Month for the English Department. When thinking of Cameron, I automatically think of how hard he works to do his best and how reliable he is to his peers. Cameron models to his classmates what perseverance and dependability look like. He can be counted on to ask questions and is a leader in class discussions. He is also a responsible group member when we break into teams and is quick to help his peers whenever he's able. His quiet confidence and leadership make him a pillar in our classroom. Keep being you, Cameron!

Independent Studies: Luke Achtermann
Our November student of the month from independent studies is Luke Achtermann. We can't say enough about this young man. His leadership in and out of the classroom has to be recognized by us. Not only does he excel in his own studies but is also willing to be available to other students during his independent study period. We could fill the page with his accomplishments and work ethic, however, knowing how humble he is, we'll end with "Thanks Luke, Keep up the good work".

Ag Education: Kensey Parker
Kensey Parker is the Ag/FFA Student of the month for November. Kensey is in her second year of agriculture courses and serves as the Wilmington FFA Chapter Treasurer. Kensey is kind to others, organized, and overall a team player. In the month of October Kensey took her FFA treasurer skills to the next level! Kensey was in charge of counting, writing, receipts, and depositing all the money for our FFA fruit sale. She goes out of her way to make sure that the job gets done, Great job Kensey!!

Choir: Makenna Ward
Despite being Makenna’s first year in choir, she has shown great commitment, passion and willingness to try new things. She has caught on quickly, asks questions, shows consistent engagement and contributes to the success of the choir.

Math: Alantis Wiles
Alantis is the Math Department's Student of the Month for November. Altantis brings the sunshine inside in the morning when she shows up with her smile and fun t-shirts. In class, she is focused, diligent and always willing to help a fellow classmate. Thanks Alantis. Keep up the great work!

Physical Education: Josh Tolliver
Josh brings great energy and enthusiasm everyday to PE class. He is always willing to lend a helping hand and makes class enjoyable for others by getting them involved. Thanks Josh and keep up the great work.