WHS January 2022 Students of the Month
Congratulations to our WHS Students of the Month for January 2022! We hope you'll take a few minutes to read what their teachers have to say about these tremendous students.

Demetri Binegar: Math Dept
Demetri is the Math Department's Student of the Month. He gets started on the bell ringers every day without needing to be asked, and always tries his best each day. Demetri is willing to participate in discussions and share his thinking with the class. He asks questions when he isn't sure about something, and overall does a great job in Math. Demetri is a quiet leader in class. He may not be the loudest person in the room, but he will definitely lead by example. Great job Demetri!

Nathan Wood, Physe Ed/Health Dept
Nathan comes to APF everyday ready to work and puts in great effort. He is respectful, hard working and has an eagerness to improve himself. Keep up the great work Nathan.

Kennedy Moore, Ag Education
Kennedy has made a wonderful addition to the ag department and the Wilmington FFA chapter this year. She has been an active FFA member and comes to all of the FFA meetings. In addition to her FFA participation, Kennedy always comes to class prepared and ready to learn. She has become very knowledgeable about everything we have learned so far and works great in groups. Her passion for the subject and FFA is evident because of her attitude and involvement in other agricultural organizations such as Camp Counseling and Junior Fair Board. We are very excited to see her get more involved in ag!

Jenna Taylor, English Dept
enna Taylor is the English Department's January Student of the Month. Jenna is a joy to have in class; she is a talented discussion leader, gifted writer, and philosophical thinker who is constantly evolving as a student of literature and the world. Her spirituality, empathy, and positivity highlight her tenure at Wilmington High School and serve as a testament to her influence as a student leader and role model. Congratulations, Jenna, on being selected as the English Department's Student of the Month.

Ariel Hodge, Art Dept
Ariel has been a fantastic leader in our photography class, assisting other students and helping me settle in as a new teacher. Ariel has a creative and unique approach to every challenge and I look forward to seeing her grow as an artist everyday.

Joy Wu, Social Studies
Joy is an extremely hard working student in US History who does everything that is asked of her on a daily basis. Joy brings the type of attitude and work ethic that all teachers desire from all of their students and she is a great role model for all of her fellow classmates! The positive attitude she brings each and every day is contagious! Keep up the great work Joy!

Rihanna Furman, Foreign Language Dept
Rihanna Furman is the Foreign Language Department Student of the Month for January 2022. Rihanna sets an excellent example of how to contribute to a positive learning environment. She arrives on time, offers a friendly greeting for classmates, and readily begins her work. During whole-class activities, Rihanna raises her hand and waits to be called on before responding to questions. During group work, she is helpful to others but takes responsibility for her own learning and growth. For her Machinto Peace Project, Rihanna put thought into how to share her message with WHS students and staff, and took steps to make it happen.

Ky Bozarth, Theater Dept
I have Ky in both Theatre Arts and Speech Class. Ky is always attentive, taking notes and participating in class. He contributes to discussions in each class. Ky is typically one of the first to volunteer when presenting a speech project and he is always prepared. Ky has a laid back demeanor, but is a hard working student. Even when called out of class for a few minutes he made sure someone would catch him up on any notes missed. Ky is a pleasure to have in class.

Oliver McDermott, Band Dept
Oliver is being recognized by the Band program for his high level of participation in class. Oliver is a member of Symphonic Band and leads in the program by his high level of engagement and participation in class discussions.

Dalan Toups, Choir Dept
Dalan has continuously stepped up as a leader and has taken extra steps outside of the classroom to provide for the choir. This includes things such as organizing the choir library, Wilmingtones attire, and helping lead rehearsals. When Mr. Hutcherson was out for multiple days (during a time of dress rehearsals and performance) Dalan coordinated with the Murphy holiday show performance directors in order for Wilmingtones to have a successful performance. Mr. Hutcherson is very grateful for Dalan Toups.

Madison Wilfert, Technology/Business Dept
Madison has been a great asset in computer programming class. She shows a genuine interest in the content and is always willing to help other students. Her positive attitude and work ethic are contagious and appreciated.