Quick Links

Support for Military Families

Visit WHS Counseling Center for extensive resources for our Military families. We are here to support you and your student.

General Information

Student Handbooks


Progress Book- access the Pinnacle Internet Viewer (PIV) to check on your grades, assignments, attendance, and schedules.

Google Apps

  • Gmail - Access your school email
  • Google Calendar - Access your personal school calendar
  • Google Docs - Access Google Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Forms, and Drawings

Learning Resources   

InfOhio - Free and comprhensive learning resources for students

School Safety

The online Student Safety Reporting system and 866-listen2me (866-547-8362) phone system are for students and parents to report concerns which may affect the peace of mind of students or jeopardize the safety of people or school facilities. You can also reach out to any WCS staff member. 

For immediate/urgent concerns or emergencies please call 911.

A NEW app is available! Just search "Stay Safe. Speak Up!" in Google Play (Android) or the App store (iphone), download the app, enter our district code "Cane". 


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