About Us
About Us
Welcome to Wilmington Middle School. We serve approximately 500 students in grades six through eight. Our mission is to provide all students with a safe and respectful student-centered learning community, while preparing them for academic success, productive citizenship, and lifelong learning.
Our website contains a lot of useful information. However, if you cannot find what you are looking for or have further questions, feel free to call us and we would be happy to answer them.

Every Day Counts
Every month at Wilmington City Schools is Attendance Awareness Month. The success for a child starts with attending school. We believe that every child counts and has the right to a quality education. Every parent & guardian has a legal responsibility to make sure their child attends school on time and every day.
Please contact your child’s school administrator or counselor for help if there are challenges to your child attending school on time and every day.
Wilmington City Schools: Mission Statement
Our mission, as an award-winning, diverse school district, in partnership with parents and community, is to develop in all students the knowledge and skills needed to become productive citizens in the global community by challenging each student with a rigorous, relevant, and stimulating curriculum in a safe and caring environment.